

Convention on protection of children and co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption

Objections to accession

Objection to accession Armenia

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Germany 28-01-2008 29-01-2009
Netherlands, the Republic of the Seven United 29-08-2007 28-12-2010

Germany, 28-01-2008

The Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of Armenia under Article 44 (3) of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption of 29 May 1993. However, Germany reserves the right to withdraw the objection.

Withdrawal, 29-01-2009

The Federal Republic of Germany withdraws its objection to the accession of the Republic of Armenia under Article 44 (3) of the Convention.

Netherlands, the Republic of the Seven United, 29-08-2007

[...] the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Kingdom in Europe) raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of Armenia to the Convention on protection of children and co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption, as long as no Central Authority has been designated by the Republic of Armenia.

Withdrawal, 28-12-2010

Since the Republic of Armenia has fulfilled the obligation to designate a Central Authority, the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Kingdom in Europe) withdraws its declaration made in accordance with article 44, paragraph 3, of the Convention, objecting to the accession of the Republic of Armenia to the Convention.

Objection to accession Belize

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Netherlands, the Republic of the Seven United 13-02-2006 29-08-2007

Netherlands, the Republic of the Seven United, 13-02-2006

[...] the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Kingdom in Europe) raises an objection to the accession of Belize to the Convention on protection of children and co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption, as long as no Central Authority has been designated by Belize.

Withdrawal, 29-08-2007

The Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Kingdom in Europe) withdraws its declarations made in accordance with article 44, paragraph 3, of the Convention, objecting to the accession of [...] Belize [...].

Objection to accession Cambodia

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Germany 08-11-2007
Netherlands, the Republic of the Seven United 10-12-2007
United Kingdom 13-12-2007

Germany, 08-11-2007

The Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of the Kingdom of Cambodia under Article 44 (3) of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption from 29 May 1993. However, Germany reserves the right to withdraw the objection.

Netherlands, the Republic of the Seven United, 10-12-2007

The Netherlands objects to the accession of Cambodia to the Hague Convention on protection of children and cooperation in respect of intercountry adoption, because it is still unclear whether the adoption process complies with international norms.

United Kingdom, 13-12-2007

In accordance with Article 44, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the United Kingdom hereby objects to the accession of the Kingdom of Cambodia in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man and declares that Cambodia's accession will have no effect as regards relations between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Objection to accession Dominican Republic

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Germany 29-06-2007 01-08-2008
Netherlands, the Republic of the Seven United 18-01-2007 29-08-2007

Germany, 29-06-2007

The Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of the Dominican Republic under Article 44 (3) of the Hague Convention on protection of children and co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption from 29 May 1993. However, Germany reserves the right to withdraw the objection.

Withdrawal, 01-08-2008

The Federal Republic of Germany withdraws its objection to the accession of the Dominican Republic under Article 44 (3) of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption of 29 May 1993.

Netherlands, the Republic of the Seven United, 18-01-2007

[...] the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Kingdom in Europe) raises an objection to the accession of the Dominican Republic to the Convention on protection of children and co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption, as long as no Central Authority has been designated by the Dominican Republic.

Withdrawal, 29-08-2007

The Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Kingdom in Europe) withdraws its declarations made in accordance with article 44, paragraph 3, of the Convention, objecting to the accession of [...] the Dominican Republic to the Convention.

Objection to accession Ghana

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Greece 07-03-2017
Spain 17-03-2017

Greece, 07-03-2017

[…] the Hellenic Republic raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of Ghana, in accordance with Article 44, third paragraph, of the Convention.

Spain, 17-03-2017

The Kingdom of Spain states that, in accordance with article 44, paragraph 3 of the Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, The Hague 29 May 1993, this convention does not have effect between the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Ghana.

Objection to accession Guatemala

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Canada 24-07-2003
Germany 22-07-2003
Netherlands, the Republic of the Seven United 18-07-2003
Spain 25-07-2003
United Kingdom 25-07-2003

Canada, 24-07-2003

The Government of Canada welcomes the willingness shown by other Contracting States and the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law to assist the Government of Guatemala to reform its adoption procedures.
Despite these positive aspects, the Embassy wishes to inform the Ministry that the Government of Canada would like to raise an objection to the accession of the Republic of Guatemala to the Convention, in accordance with article 44.3 thereof, at this time. In raising this objection, the Government of Canada wishes to allow the Government of Guatemala sufficient time to incorporate the standards and requirements of the Convention into its adoption procedures. Once these measures are put in place, the Government of Canada will review its objection with a view to having it withdrawn.

Germany, 22-07-2003

The Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of Guatemala under Article 44 (3) of the Hague Convention on protection of children and co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption. However Germany reserves the rights to withdraw the objection.

Netherlands, the Republic of the Seven United, 18-07-2003

The Netherlands objects to the acceptance of Guatemala's accession to the Hague Convention on protection of children and co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption, because it has emerged that Guatemala cannot yet meet the requirements imposed by the Convention.
A meeting was held on 20 May 2003 at the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law between the head of the Procuradoría de la Nación (the body Guatemala has designated as the Central Authority), staff of the Central Authorities of other member states, and a representative of Unicef, at which it became clear that Guatemala is currently taking measures to implement the Convention. A Central Authority has now been designated and organised. Further steps are under consideration. However, measures are not yet in place:
1. to establish whether children are adoptable (article 4, paragraph 1(a) of the Convention);
2. to determine that an intercountry adoption is in the child's best interests and whether possibilities for placement exist within the State of origin (Guatemala does not have a child protection system or a database of Guatemalan adoptive parents) (article 4, paragraph 1(b) of the Convention);
3. to ensure that consent has been given properly by the parent or parents, and that they have been duly informed of the consequences of their consent (article 4, paragraph 1(c) of the Convention).
It also emerged at the meeting that opponents of the Convention in Guatemala have instituted proceedings to challenge its constitutionality. The Netherlands is not yet aware of the outcome. It is clear that it will not be easy for the Guatemalan authorities to implement all the Convention's provisions.
The findings of the meeting on 20 May have been confirmed by information provided by the Dutch embassy in Guatemala and the International Social Service/International Resource Centre for Protection of Children in Adoption in Geneva.
In the light of the foregoing, the Netherlands advocates suspending acceptance of Guatemala's accession until it has been established beyond doubt that the Convention's conditions can be fulfilled. At present there are insufficient guarantees that adoptions in Guatemala take place with due regard for the safeguards afforded by the Convention.

Spain, 25-07-2003

Spain welcomes Guatemala's accession to the present Convention to the extent that this implies that Guatemala is willing to improve its adoption system. However, Spain is concerned that Guatemala's accession may impact on the relations between Spain and Guatemala, in that the Guatemalan legislation governing adoption will not have been amended nor the administrative provisions necessary to develop its adoption system introduced by the time of its accession.
Nevertheless, Spain wishes to demonstrate its willingness to establish the necessary cooperation mechanisms between the competent Spanish and Guatemalan public authorities, so that this development takes place as soon as possible, to allow the central authorities of both countries to work together within the framework of the Convention.

United Kingdom, 25-07-2003

In accordance with Article 44 of the Convention, the United Kingdom hereby objects to the accession of Guatemala in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man and declares that Guatemala's accession will have no effect as regards relations between the United Kingdom and Guatemala.

Objection to accession Guinea

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Germany 24-05-2004

Germany, 24-05-2004

The Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of Guinea under Article 44 (3) of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption from 29 May 1993. However Germany reserves the right to withdraw the objection.

Objection to accession Lesotho

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Germany 28-02-2013

Germany, 28-02-2013

The Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of the Kingdom of Lesotho under Article 44 paragraph 3 of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption from 29 May 1993.
However, the Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right to withdraw the objection.

Objection to accession Mali

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Germany 28-11-2006 11-02-2008
Netherlands, the Republic of the Seven United 02-06-2006 29-08-2007

Germany, 28-11-2006

The Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of Mali under Article 44 (3) of the Hague Convention on protection of children and co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption from 29 May 1993. However, Germany reserves the right to withdraw the objection.

Withdrawal, 11-02-2008

The Federal Republic of Germany withdraws its objection to the accession of the Republic of Mali under Article 44 (3) of the Hague Convention on protection of children and co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption of 29 May 1993.

Netherlands, the Republic of the Seven United, 02-06-2006

[...] the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Kingdom in Europe) raises an objection to the accession of Mali to the Convention on protection of children and co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption, as long as no Central Authority has been designated by Mali.

Withdrawal, 29-08-2007

The Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Kingdom in Europe) withdraws its declarations made in accordance with article 44, paragraph 3, of the Convention, objecting to the accession of [...] Mali [...].

Objection to accession Rwanda

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Germany 27-09-2012

Germany, 27-09-2012

The Federal Republic of Germany herewith objects to the accession of the Republic of Rwanda to the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.

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