

Verdrag inzake de bescherming van kinderen en de samenwerking op het gebied van de interlandelijke adoptie


Autoriteiten Andorra


Pursuant to Article 6 of the Convention, the Government of the Principality of Andorra designates the following authority as the Central Authority to discharge the duties imposed by the Convention on such authorities:
Adoption service
Department of Social Services
Ministry of Social Affairs and Culture
Pursuant to Article 23.2 of the Convention, the Principality of Andorra declares that the authority competent by virtue of the provisions of Article 23.1 to certify adoptions as having been made in accordance with the Convention shall be the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Andorra.


Central Authority (modification):
Ministry of Health, Welfare, Family and Housing

Autoriteiten Armenië


Notification of the Republic of Armenia on Central and other authorities prescribed by the Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption.
According to the RA Law on Acts of Civil Status in the Republic of Armenia the authorities of civil status acts' registry (CSAR) have right to give certificates prescribed by the Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption.
The functions of the abovementioned authorities are the following:
- to make state registration of birth, death, marriage, divorce, paternity, adoption and change of name; as well as
- to make amendments, supplements and corrections in the mentioned registrations;
- to make void those registrations;
- to reinstate the lost registrations;
- to manage and keep the registers of civil status acts;
- to provide certificates' copies and documents affirming the state registration of civil status acts.
In accordance with the Article 6 of the Convention the Central Authority of the Republic of Armenia shall be the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia.

Autoriteiten Australië


Pursuant to Article 6 of the Convention, Australia designates
The Secretary
Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department
as a Central Authority for the purposes of the Convention and as the Central Authority to which any communication may be adressed for transmission to other Central Authorities in Australia. The Secretary to the Attorney-General's Department may discharge duties imposed by the Convention on Central Authorities other than:
(a) processing day to day casework involved in a particular adoption;
(b) approving an application for the adoption of a child;
(c) giving consent to the adoption of a child;
(d) accrediting a body for the purposes of Chapter III of the Convention;
(e) revoking the accreditation of a body for the purposes of Chapter III of the Convention.
Pursuant to Articles 6 and 23.2 of the Convention, Australia designates the following authorities to discharge duties as Central Authorities in the relevant State or Territory and as authorities competent by virtue of the provisions of Article 23.1 to certify adoptions as having been made in accordance with the Convention:
For the State of New South Wales:
Manager, Adoption Services
New South Wales Department of Community Services
For the State of Victoria:
Manager, Adoption and Permanent Care
Victorian Department of Human Services
For the State of Queensland:
Manager, Adoption Services
Queensland Department of Families, Youth and Community Care
For the State of Western Australia:
Manager, Adoption Services
Western Australian Department of Family and Children's Services
For the State of South Australia:
Manager, Adoption and Family Information Service
South Australian Department of Human Services
For the State of Tasmania:
Manager, Adoption Services
Tasmanian Department of Community and Health Services
For the Northern Territory:
Manager, Adoptions and Placement Support Unit
Northern Territory Health Services
For the Australian Capital Territory
Co-ordinator, Intercountry Adoption Service
Australian Capital Territory Family Services Bureau
For the Territory of Norfolk Island:
Program Manager, Community Services
The Administration of Norfolk Island

Autoriteiten Azerbeidzjan


In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan is designated as the Central Authority.
In accordance with Article 23, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan declares that the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan is competent to make the certificate for adoption.


[...] the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been authorized as the central body responsible for confirmation of inter-country adoptions in the Republic of Azerbaijan and for discharging the duties which are imposed by the 'Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Inter-country Adoption' upon it.


Central Authority (additional information):
State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs
The sector of Intercountry Adoption
Head of the Sector Intercountry Adoption

Autoriteiten Belarus


The National Center of Adoption at the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus is designated as the Central Authority of the Republic of Belarus to discharge the duties which are imposed by the Convention.
The National Center of Adoption at the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus is the competent body in the Republic of Belarus to issue certifying document.

Autoriteiten België


Central Belgian Authorities:
Federal State
The Central Federal Authority is the "Service de l'Adoption internationale" established within the "Service Public Fédéral Justice".
This is the Authority to which all communications may be addressed for transmission to the competent Central Authority in the State of Belgium.
Service de l'Adoption internationale, Service public fédéral Justice,
Direction générale de la Législation et des Libertés et Droits fondamentaux
1. French Community
Autorité centrale communautaire, Ministère de la Communauté française,
Direction générale Aide à la Jeunesse
This Authority is competent within the French-speaking region and with regard to institutions established within the bilingual regions of the capital, Brussels, which, in view of their organisation, must be considered to belong exclusively to the French Community.
2. Flemish Community
Kind en Gezin
This Authority is competent in the Dutch-speaking region and with regard to institutions established within the bilingual regions of the capital, Brussels, which, in view of their organisation, must be considered to belong exclusively to the Flemish Community.
3. German-speaking Community
Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft
Zentrale Behörde der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft für Adoptionen
This Authority is competent in the German-speaking region.

Autoriteiten Belize


[...] the Department of Human Services of the Ministry of Human Development has been designated as the Central Authority for Belize under the said Hague Convention.

Autoriteiten Benin


Competent Authority:
Minister of Social Affairs and Microfinance


Central Authority:
Minister of Social Affairs and Microfinance

Autoriteiten Bolivia


Central Authority:
Vice Ministry for Children and Youth Affairs as part of the Ministry for Rural, Indigenous, Gender and Family Affairs.


Central Authority (modification):
[...] the Viceministry of Youth, Children and Third Age, who has full faculties to grant certificates in accordance to legal sentences executed by Judges of Youths and Adolescents.


Central Authority (modification):
[...] Viceministry of Equal Opportunities
General Direction of Youth, Children and Adults

Autoriteiten Brazilië


Central Authority:
Federal Central Administrative Authority
Special Secretariat of Human Rights
Presidency of the Republic

Autoriteiten Bulgarije


In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Convention, the Republic of Bulgaria designates as Central Authority the Ministry of Justice.
In accordance with Article 23, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Republic of Bulgaria declares that the Central Authority is competent to deliver the certificate for adoption referred to in Article 23, paragraph 1, of the Convention.

Autoriteiten Burkina Faso


Central Authority:
the Ministry of Social Action and Family

Autoriteiten Burundi


Central Authority:
The Ministry of National Solidarity, Human Rights and Gender
The Director of Children and Familily

Autoriteiten Cambodja


Central Authority to discharge the duties which are imposed by the Convention [...] which is competent to make the certification in respect of Intercountry Adoption:
Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation.

Autoriteiten Canada


The Government of Canada wishes to notify that, in accordance with Article 23.2, the Alberta Authority is the competent authority to make the certification envisaged in Article 23.1.


Central Authority for the Northwest Territories:
Director of Adoptions
Child and Family Services
Department of Health and Social Services


For the purpose of Article 6 of the Convention and according to Nunavut's Intercountry Adoption Act, the Central Authority for Nunavut is:
Director of Adoptions
Social Services Unit
Department of Health and Social Services


Central Authority for Newfoundland and Labrador:
Director of Child, Youth and Family Services
Department of Justice


Central Authority for Québec:
Ministry of Health and Social Services
Secretariat for International Adoption


As from 30 November 2012, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration will be designated as federal Central Authority.

Autoriteiten China


Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China is the Central Authority of the People's Republic of China to discharge all duties imposed by the Convention.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, the Government of the PRC designates the following authority as Central Authority in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to discharge all duties imposed by the Convention:
Director of Social Welfare
c/o Chief Social Work Officer (Family & Welfare) 2
Social Welfare Department
In accordance with Article 6 and Article 23(2) of the Convention, the Government of the PRC designates the following authority as the competent authority in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to issue an Adoption Certificate:
The Register, High Court
High Court
In accordance with Article 6 and Article 23(2) of the Convention, the Government of the PRC designates the following authority as Central Authority in the Macau Special Administrative Region to discharge all duties imposed by the Convention as well as to issue an Adoption Certificate:
Instituto de Accao Social (Social Welfare Bureau of the Department of Social Affairs and Culture).
The civil affairs organs of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government where the prolonged residence of the adopted child is located are the competent authorities of the People's Republic of China to issue an adoption certificate, which may be by the name of Adoption Registration Certificate.

Autoriteiten Colombia


In accordance with Articles 6 and 13 of the Convention, the Government of Colombia designates as Central Authority:
The Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar -ICBF- Division de Adopciones
(Colombian Institute of Family Welfare, Adoptions Division)
In accordance with Article 22, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Colombian Government declares that the functions conferred upon the Central Authority under Articles 15 to 19 may also be performed in Colombia, to the extent permitted by the law and subject to the supervision of the competent authorities of Colombia [...].
In accordance with Article 23, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Government of Colombia declares that the authority competent to issue adoption certificates under the Convention shall be the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare, (ICBF), Adoptions Division.


Central Authority:
Colombian Family Welfare Institute
Direct Interventions Division


Central Authority (modification):
Colombian Family Welfare Institute
Direct Interventions Division

Autoriteiten Costa Rica


In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention Costa Rica has designated the following Authority:
the "Consejo Nacional de Adopciones", organ of the "Patronato Nacional de la Infancia".

Autoriteiten Cuba


The Central Authority designated to discharge the duties imposed by the Convention, as well as the competent authority to certify the adoption, pursuant to the Convention, is the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Cuba.


Cuban National Authority (art. 23):
Director of International Relations
Ministry of Justice

Autoriteiten Cyprus


Cyprus has designated in accordance with Article 13 the "Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance" as the Central Authority and in accordance with Article 23, paragraph 2, the "Director of the Department of Social Welfare Services" as the Competent Authority.

Autoriteiten Denemarken


The certificate referred to in Article 23, paragraph 1, stating that an adoption has been made in accordance with the Convention is issued by the Governor's office in the county in which the applicants reside, in connection with the grant for adoption issued by the said office.
Denmark has the following County Governors:
Prefect of Copenhagen
Governor of Copenhagen County
Governor of Bornholm County
Governor of Frederiksborg County
Governor of the County of Funen
Governor of the County of North Jutland
Governor of Ribe County
Governor of Ringkøbing County
Governor of Roskilde County
Governor of Storstrøm County
Governor of the County of South Jutland
Governor of Vejle County
Governor of the County of West Zealand
Governor of Viborg County
Governor of Århus County


The compentent authorities (Art. 23) changed from Governors offices to Regional State Administrations. In Denmark we have five Regional State Administrations:
The Regional State Administration for Greater Copenhagen
The Regional State Administration for Zealand
The Regional State Administration for North Jutland
The Regional State Administration for Southern Denmark
The Regional State Administration for Central Jutland

Autoriteiten Dominicaanse Republiek


[...] the authority which is competent to make certifications, pursuant to Article 23, paragraph 2, of the Convention above stated is:
National Council for Childhood and Adolescence


Central Authority:
The National Council for the Childhood and Adolescence (CONANI)

Autoriteiten Duitsland


Central Authority:
Der Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof
- Bundeszentralstelle für Auslandsadoption -


Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Abteilung Jugend und Familie/Landesjugendamt


Competent authorities:
Certificates under Article 23 paragraph 1 of the Convention are issued by
a) the Central Authority that gave its approval as required by Article 17 sub-paragraph c) of the Convention, or
b) the Central Authority responsible for the youth welfare office, or with which the accredited body is registered, should one of these bodies have given the approval.

Autoriteiten Ecuador


Ecuador has designated in accordance with Article 23, paragraph 2, as competent Authority:
Corte Nacional de Menores


Central Authority
National Council for Children and Adolescents

Autoriteiten El Salvador


In accordance with article 6 (1), the Salvadorean Government designates as Central Authorities: Instituto de Protección al Menor (ISPM), la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR).
In accordance with article 23 (2), of the Convention, the Salvadorean Government declares that the authority competent to issue adoption certificates under the Convention is the Procuraduría General de la República (PGR).

Autoriteiten Estland


1. Pursuant to Article 6 of the Convention the Republic of Estonia designates as the Central Authority the Ministry of Social Affairs;
2. Pursuant to Article 23, paragraph 2 of the Convention the Republic of Estonia notifies, that the Ministry of Social Affairs is the competent authority to make the certification of adoption.

Autoriteiten Eswatini


[...] the Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland designates the Director, Social Welfare Department, Deputy Prime Minister's Office [...] as central authority to discharge the duties imposed by the Convention.

Autoriteiten Fiji


Central and competent Authority:
Ministry of Social Welfare, Women and Poverty Alleviation.

Autoriteiten Filipijnen


The Philippines have designated in accordance with Article 23, paragraph 2 "the Office of the Solicitor General of the Philippines" as competent Authority.


[...] it shall be the Central Authority of the Philippines, the Inter-Country Adoption Board (ICAB) which shall issue the Conformity/Compliance Document in abidance to Chapter V, Article 23 of The Hague Convention.

Autoriteiten Finland


The Government of the Republic of Finland have the honour to notify that the competence to make the certification referred to in Article 23 paragraph 1 rests with the court that has affirmed the adoption.

Autoriteiten Frankrijk


In accordance with article 6, paragraph 1, France designates as Central Authority:
The Central Authority for intercountry adoption whose secretariat is provided by the "Mission de l'adoption internationale".
In accordance with article 23, France declares that the "Mission de l'adoption internationale", is the competent authority for the purpose of issuing the certificates referred to in article 23, paragraph 1 of the Convention in cases where adoption takes place in France or when an adoption granted in another State is converted in France pursuant to article 27, paragraph 2.


Central Authority (modification)
Service de l'Adoption Internationale (SAI), Central Authority
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs
Competent authority (art. 23)
Service de l'Adoption Internationale (SAI), Central Authority
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs

Autoriteiten Georgië


Central Authority:
Ministry of Education of Georgia


Central Authority in accordance with Article 6 (modification):
Ministry of Education and Science


Central Authority (modification):
The Social Service Agency
(Ministry of Health Labor and Social Affairs)

Autoriteiten Ghana


Central Authority:
Central Adoption Authority
(Department of Social Development)
Competent Authority:
Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection

Autoriteiten Griekenland


In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Convention, the Hellenic Republic designates as Central Authority for the implementation of the obligations imposed by the Convention the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity.
In accordance with Article 23, paragraph 2 of the Convention, the Hellenic Republic declares that the Competent Authority to certify that the adoption took place in accordance with the Convention, is the competent Court that issued the decision for the adoption, as appropriate.


Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity
Central Authority for Intercountry Adoptions

Autoriteiten Guatemala


[...] in accordance with Article 6 (1) the Government of Guatemala informs the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the Central Authority of the Convention will be Procuraduría General de la Nacíon [...]. This institution will be in charge of monitoring and the fulfilment of obligations imposed by the Convention [...].


[...] the designation of the Presidential Secretariat for Social Welfare of the Republic of Guatemala as the Central Authority [...].


Central Authority:
Secretaría de Bienestar Social de la Presidencia de la República (Department of Social Welfare)
Subsecretaría de Fortalecimiento y Apoyo Familiar y Comunitario (Family and Community Support Division)

Autoriteiten Guinee


Central Authority:
Ambassador of the Republic of Guinea to the Benelux countries and the countries of the European Union

Autoriteiten Guyana


Competent Authority:
The Ministry of Legal Affairs and the Attorney General Chambers
Central Authority:
The Ministry of Legal Affairs and the Attorney General Chambers

Autoriteiten Haïti


Central Authority:
Ministry of Social Affairs
Competent Authority:
Institute of Social Well Being and Research

Autoriteiten Honduras


Competent Authority:
Directorate for Children, Youth and Family (DINAF)
Central Authority:
Directorate for Children, Youth and Family (DINAF)

Autoriteiten Hongarije


Central Authority:
In connection with Article 6 of the Convention the Ministry of Youth, Family, Social and Equal Opportunities shall act as the Central Authority in the Republic of Hungary.
In accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 23 of the Convention, the Ministry of Youth, Family, Social and Equal Opportunities shall issue the certificates referred to in Paragraph 1 of Article 23.


Central Authority (modification):
Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment


Central Authority (modification):
Ministry of National Resources
Child and Youth Protection Department

Autoriteiten Ierland


Pursuant to Article 6 of the Convention, Ireland designates the following as the Central Authority for the purposes of the Convention:
Údarás Uchtála na hÉireann (Adoption Authority of Ireland)
Pursuant to Article 23, Paragraph 2 of the Convention, Ireland hereby notifies the following as the authority competent to certify adoptions as having been made in accordance with the Convention.
Údarás Uchtála na hÉireann (Adoption Authority of Ireland)
The functions of the Authority are as set out in Section 96 of the Adoption Act, 2010 as follows:
- on or after the establishment day, performing the functions in relation to adoptions that before that day were performed by An Bord Uchtála;
- as specified in section 66 of the Act, performing in the State the role of a Central Authority under the Hague Convention;
- at the request of the Minister for Health and Children, providing general advice to him or her about adoption matters;
- undertaking or assisting in research projects and activities relating to adoption services;
- compiling statistical information and other records as to the proper planning, development and provision of those adoption services;
- maintaining a register of accredited bodies; and
- maintaining the register of intercountry adoptions.
The Authority has all the powers as are necessary or expedient for the performance by it of its functions and may make such enquiries as it considers necessary for the performance of its functions.

Autoriteiten India


Central Authority:
Central Adoption Resource Agency


Central Authority (modification):
Organization: Central Adoption Resource Authority

Autoriteiten Italië


In accordance with Article 23, paragraph 2 of the Convention, the Government of the Italian Republic notifies the depositary that the "Commission pour les adoptions internationales" (established by the "Présidence du Conseil des Ministres" pursuant to Articles 38 and 39 of law no.184 of 4 May 1983 as amended by law no. 476 of 31 December 1998), in its capacity as the Italian Central Authority, is the sole authority competent to certify that an adoption has been made in accordance with the Convention.
The Government of the Italian Republic declares, in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, that the National Board for Intercountry Adoptions (established by the Council of Ministers on the basis of Article 38 of law no. 184 of 4 May 1983, as amended by the law of 31 December 1998) is the Central Authority.


Central Authority (modification):
Commissione per le Adozioni Internzionali
The above Authority started its activities on 3 May 2000, but will not be fully functioning until October, when the list of authorised adoption institutions is published.
As soon as possible the Commission will be in touch with counterpart organisations in the other Contracting States in order to establish specific contacts, particularly with the Central Authorities in those countries from where the largest numbers of adopted minors come.

Autoriteiten Ivoorkust


With reference to article 6 […] declares that it has designated the Ministry of National Solidarity, Family, Women and Children as its Central Authority to discharge the duties imposed by the Convention upon Côte d’Ivoire.
With reference to article 23 […] declares that the following authorities are jointly responsible for issuing the certificates referred to in article 23 (1) of the Convention when an adoption takes place in Côte d’Ivoire or when a foreign adoption decision is converted in Côte d’Ivoire, under article 27 (2) of the Convention:
- the Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Civil Liberties; and
- the Ministry of National Solidarity, Family, Women and Children.

Autoriteiten Kaapverdië


Central and competent Authority:
Procuradoria Geral da República

Autoriteiten Kazachstan


Children Rights Protection Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science

Autoriteiten Kenia


Central Authority:
Adoption Committee
Office of the Vice President and
Ministry of Home Affairs
Department of Children's Services

Autoriteiten Kirgizië


1. Pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Government of Kyrgyzstan declares that the Central Authority to discharge the duties which are imposed by the Convention shall be:
Ministry of Labour and Social Development
2. Pursuant to Article 23, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Government of Kyrgyzstan declares that the authority competent by virtue of the provisions of Article 23, first paragraph, to certify adoptions as having been made in accordance with the Convention shall be:
The State Registry Service under the Government of Kyrgyz Republic

Autoriteiten Kroatië


In accordance with Article 23, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth of the Republic of Croatia is the competent authority to make the certification whose content is specified in paragraph 1, Article 23 of the Convention.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, the same Ministry is the Central Authority, in the Republic of Croatia, to discharge the duties which are imposed by the Convention.

Autoriteiten Lesotho


Central Authority:
Ministry of Social Development

Autoriteiten Letland


Central Authority:
Secretariat of Minister for Special Assignments
for Children and Family Affairs


Central Authority in accordance with Article 6 (modification):
Ministry of Welfare
The Orphan's Courts of the Republic of Latvia implement the functions specified in Articles 11 and 12 of the Convention.

Autoriteiten Liechtenstein


Central Authority in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention
Office of Social Affairs
Competent authority in accordance with Article 23 of the Convention
Court of Justice

Autoriteiten Litouwen


Central Authority:
Children's Rights Protection Office under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour


Central Authority:
State Child Rights Protection Adoption Service
Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania

Autoriteiten Luxemburg


- The Central Authority within the meaning of article 6(1) is the Ministère de la Famille (Ministry of the Family).
- The competent authorities within the meaning of articles 4 and 5 are the judicial authorities.
In accordance with Article 6:
Ministry of the Family
In accordance with Articles 4 and 5:
Luxembourg District Court
Diekirch District Court


Central Authority designated in accordance with the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption (article 6)
Ministry of the Family and Integration
Competent Authorities designated in accordance with the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption (articles 4 and 5)
District Court in Luxembourg
District Court in Diekirch

Autoriteiten Mali


Central Authority:
National Department for the Protection of Children and Families

Autoriteiten Malta


Central Authority:
Department of Family Welfare


Central Authority:
Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity
Department for Social Welfare Standards


Central Authority:
Social Care Standards Authority

Autoriteiten Mauritius


[...] the National Adoption Council, [...], has been designated as the Central Authority for Mauritius and the focal point with respect to the implementation of the provisions of the Convention.

Autoriteiten Mexico


In connection with Article 6, paragraph 2, and Article 22, paragraph 2, the Systems for Integral Family Development in each of the following federal units shall act as the sole Central Authorities for the purposes of this Convention, having exclusive jurisdiction within the territory to which they pertain:
1. Aguascalientes
2. Baja California
3. Baja California Sur
4. Campeche
5. Coahuila
6. Colima
7. Chiapas
8. Chihuahua
9. Durango
10. Estado de México
11. Guanajuato
12. Guerrero
13. Hidalgo
14. Jalisco
15. Michoacán
16. Morelos
17. Nayarit
18. Nuevo León
19. Oaxaca
20. Puebla
21. Querétaro
22. Quintana Roo
23. San Luis Potosí
24. Sinaloa
25. Sonora
26. Tabasco
27. Tamaulipas
28. Tlaxcala
29. Veracruz
30. Yucatán
31. Zacatecas
The National System for Integral Family Development shall have exclusive jurisdiction within the Federal District and subsidiary jurisdiction with the aforementioned 31 federal units of the Republic.
The Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall act as the Central Authority for the receipt of documents from other countries.
In connection with Article 23, paragraph 2, the Government of Mexico declares that the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be the competent authority for the certification of adoptions negotiated in accordance with the Convention.


Central Authority:
Institute for Human Development

Autoriteiten Moldavië


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Moldova.


Central Authority (modification):
In accordance with article 6 paragraph (1) and article 13 of the above mentioned Convention, the Republic of Moldova communicates that the Central Authority responsible for international adoptions is the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family of the Republic of Moldova.


In accordance with article 23 paragraph (2) of the above mentioned Convention, the Republic of Moldova communicates that the competent authority for issuing the certificate mentioned at article 23 paragraph (1) of the Convention is the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family of the Republic of Moldova.

Autoriteiten Monaco


Central Authority:
Department of Legal Services


Authority competent to issue the certificate of conformity under Article 23 (2):
Department of Legal Services

Autoriteiten Mongolië


Central authority:
Ministry of Social Welfare and Labour
Population and Social Welfare Department
Ministry of Justice
Office of Immigration and Naturalization and Foreign Citizens

Autoriteiten Montenegro


b) in accordance with article 23 paragraph 2 of the Convention, Montenegro declares that Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare is the authority competent to make the certification in accordance with article 23 paragraph 1;
[...] The same Ministry [...] is Central Authority in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention.

Autoriteiten Namibië


Central Authority:
Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare
Competent authority:
Commissioner of Child Welfare (Children's Courts)

Autoriteiten Nederlanden, Republiek der Zeven Verenigde


Central Authority:
Ministry of Justice
Directorate-General for Prevention, Youth and Sanctions
Youth and Crime Prevention Department


Central Authority (for the European and the Caribbean part of the Netherlands):
Ministry of Security and Justice
Directorate-General for Youth and Implementation of Sanctions
Youth Policy Division
Competent authority to certify an adoption in accordance with Article 23 (for the European part of the Netherlands):
Registries of the Courts of first instance
Competent authority to certify an adoption in accordance with Article 23 (for the Caribbean part of the Netherlands):
Registry of the Court that pronounced the adoption

Autoriteiten Noord-Macedonië


In accordance with Article 6 paragraph 1 of the Convention, the designated Central Authority to discharge all Central Authority functions under the Convention, shall be the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, Commission for establishing adoption.
In accordance with Article 23, paragraph 2 of the Convention, that the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia - Commission for establishing adoption, has been designated as the authority competent to issue the certificates referred to in Article 23, paragraph 1, stating that an adoption has been made in accordance with the Convention.

Autoriteiten Noorwegen


In accordance with Article 23, of the Convention, the Government of Norway declares:
The Government Adoption Office [...] is the competent authority to make certifications referred to in Article 23, paragraph 1, when the adoption has taken place in Norway or when a foreign adoption order has been converted in Norway according to Article 27.


Central Authority:
Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs
(Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet)
Subordinate to the Directorate, there are five regional offices, to which some procedural functions have been delegated in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 22. In most cases, applications for adoption shall now be made to the competent regional office, which is authorised to grant preliminary approval for the adoption of a child resident in another state. The Directorate is the appellate instance. If, in an exceptional case, an adoption is to be arranged without the services of an accredited adoption agency, the Directorate itself (the central authority) will still grant the preliminary approval in the first instance. The Ministry of Children and Family Affairs is then the appellate instance.
The regional offices are:
- Regional Office for Children, Youth and Family Affairs, Southern Norway
(Barne-, ungdoms- og familieetaten, region sør)
- Regional Office for Children, Youth and Family Affairs, Western Norway
(Barne-, ungdoms- og familieetaten, region vest)
- Regional Office for Children, Youth and Family Affairs, Eastern Norway
(Barne-, ungdoms- og familieetaten, region øst)
- Regional Office for Children, Youth and Family Affairs, Central Norway
(Barne-, ungdoms- og familieetaten, region Midt-Norge)
- Regional Office for Children, Youth and Family Affairs, Northern Norway
(Barne-, ungdoms- og familieetaten, region nord)

Autoriteiten Oostenrijk


The Republic of Austria declares in accordance with Article 13 of the Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption that it has designated the following Central Authorities within the meaning of Article 6 of the Convention:
(a) The Austrian State Governments, each having regional competence for one of the Austrian Länder.
(b) For receiving applications from abroad and transmitting them to the competent State Government and for performing the general functions outlined in Article 7 para.2 of the Convention, the Bundesministerium für Justiz.
The Republic of Austria declares in accordance with Article 23 para. 2 of the Convention that the district court granting the adoption is competent to make out the certificate referred to in Article 23 para. 1 of the Convention.

Autoriteiten Panama


Declaration pursuant to article 6.
The Republic of Panama designates the Ministry of Youth, Women, Children and the Family as the Central Authority for the execution of the Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.
In accordance with article 23, paragraph 2, the Republic of Panama declares that the authority competent to deliver the certification mentioned in paragraph 1 of the said article is the High Family Court or the High Juvenile Court, as appropriate, as the responsible bodies with jurisdiction and established in conformity with the standards of domestic law.


Central Authority (modification):
National Secretariat of Children, Youth and Family
National Department of Adoptions

Autoriteiten Peru


Central Authority:
National Secretariat for Adoptions

Autoriteiten Polen


According to Article 23 paragraph 2 of the Convention the Republic of Poland declares that the court which rendered the judgment of adoption is competent to make certification of adoption mentioned in Article 23, paragraph 1.
Central Authority:
Ministry of National Education


Central Authority in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention (modification):
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Department of Social Assistance and Integration


Central Authority (modification):
Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy
Department of Family Policy

Autoriteiten Portugal


The Portuguese Republic designates, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Convention, the General Directorate for Solidarity and Social Security (Direcçâo-Geral da Solidariedade e Segurança Social) as the Central authority to discharge the duties which are imposed by the Convention.
The Portuguese Republic notifies furthermore that, for the purposes of paragraph 2 of Article 23 of the Convention, the General Directorate for Solidarity and Social Security (Direcçâo-Geral da Solidariedade e Segurança Social) is the authority competent to make the certification that the adoption has been made in accordance with the Convention.


Central and competent Authority (modification):
Instituto de Segurança Social, I.P.


Central Authority (additional information):
Instituto da Segurança Social, I.P. - Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade Social
(Institute for Social Security, P.I. - Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity)
Competent authority (Art. 23) (additional information):
Instituto da Segurança Social, I.P. - Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade Social
(Institute for Social Security, P.I. - Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity)

Autoriteiten Roemenië


Central Authority:
Comitetul Roman pentru Adoptie (Romanian Office for Adoptions)


Central Authority (modification)
The National Authority for Child Rights Protection and Adoption (N.A.C.R.P.A.)

Autoriteiten Rwanda


Central Authority in charge of implementing the Convention:
the National Commission for Children.
The National Commission for Children is the same authority that signs adoptions in accordance with Article 23.

Autoriteiten San Marino


1. In conformity with Article 6, first paragraph, the Republic of San Marino designates the Secretariat of State for Foreign Affairs [...] as the Central Authority.
2. In conformity with Article 23, second paragraph, the Republic of San Marino designates the Ministry of State for Health and Social Security [...] as the competent authority.

Autoriteiten Senegal


[...] Senegal has designated [...] the Magistrat and Director of supervised Education and
Social Protection (DESPS) of the Ministry of Justice as the Central Authority to discharge the duties which are imposed by the Convention on protection of children and co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption, concluded at The Hague on 29 May 1993.

Autoriteiten Servië


Central and competent Authority:
Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy

Autoriteiten Seychellen


Central Authority:
Director of Social Services
Ministry of Health and Social Development

Autoriteiten Slowakije


Central authority:
Centrum pre medzinárodno-právnu ochranu detí a mládeže
(Centre for International Legal Protection of Children and Youth)
The same authority is competent under Art. 23 para 2 of the Convention to certify that an adoption was made in accordance with the Convention.

Autoriteiten Spanje


1.a) Designation of Central Authorities (art. 6)
Each of the 17 Autonomous Communities shall be the Central Authority for its territory and the residents thereof.
In the territories of Ceuta and Melilla the Central Authority shall be the Directorate-General for Minors and the Family of the Ministry of Social Affairs.
b) The Central Authority, according to Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Convention, for transmission of any communication is:
Directorate-General for Minors and the Family
Ministry of Social Affairs
2. Designation of the Central Authorities responsible for certifying adoptions as having been made in accordance with the Convention (art. 23):
Each of the Autonomous Communities and, for Ceuta and Melilla, the Directorate-General for Minors and the Family designated as Central Authorities shall be competent to certify adoptions as having been made in accordance with the Convention.

Autoriteiten Sri Lanka


The Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka [...] designates in terms of Article 23 thereof the Commissioner of Probation and Child Care Services of the Department of Probation and Child Care Services [...] as the Competent Authority of Sri Lanka to make the certification required in terms of the aforesaid Article.
The functions of the aforesaid authority are as follows:
i. To provide care and protection, ensuring development to the children who are orphaned, abandoned, destitute and abused through state children's homes and registered voluntary homes;
ii. To provide Detention Homes and Day Care for street children;
iii. To create public awareness programmes to prevent and reduce child abuse and delinquency;
iv. To provide Day Care Centres for children of working mothers;
v. To regulate the adoption of children;
vi. Rehabilitation of adult offenders, young offenders and juvenile delinquents through probation;
vii. Rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents through Certified Schools and preliminary rehabilitation through Remand Homes;
viii. Sponsorship Programmes for children; and
ix. Training and Research.

Autoriteiten Thailand


Central authority:
1. Declaration pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, of the Convention
The Government of the Kingdom of Thailand designates as Central Authority the Child Adoption Center, Department of Social Development and Welfare, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security of the Kingdom of Thailand [...].
2. Declaration pursuant to Article 23, paragraph 2, of the Convention
The Government of the Kingdom of Thailand declares that the Central Authority is competent to deliver the certificate for adoption referred to in Article 23, paragraph 1, of the Convention.

Autoriteiten Togo


Central Authority:
National Committee for the Adoption of the Child in Togo
Competent authority to make the certification:
The Minister in charge of the Protection of the Child

Autoriteiten Tsjechië


I. Under Article 23, para. 2 of the Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption, concluded at The Hague on May 29, 1993, the Czech Republic hereby notifies that the authority competent to make certifications of adoption is the Office for International Legal Protection of Children.
II. The Czech Republic declares in accordance with Article 13 of the Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption that it has designated the following Central Authority within the meaning of Article 6 of the convention:
The Office of International Legal Protection of Children.
The Act concerning Social and Legal Protection of Children, approved by the Parliament of the Czech Republic on December 9, 1999 provides for the establishment of the Office for International Legal Protection of Children (hereinafter referred to as "Office"). The Office is the administrative office with nation-wide scope of operation; it is subordinated to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
The Office is headed by a Director, appointed and recalled by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs.
(1) Within the extent of its functions, the Office provides for social and legal protection in relation to abroad in respect of:
a) children having in the territory of the Czech Republic
- permanent residence;
- permanent residence or long-term residence permit;
- applied for refugee status; or
- are entitled to permanent residence;
b) children who are nationals of the Czech Republic and are not permanently resident in its territory;
c) children who are not nationals of the Czech Republic, do not have a permanent or long-term residence permit in its territory and are not staying in its territory, provided their parents or other physical persons having a child support order in respect of these children are staying in the Czech Republic.
(2) In executing its responsibilities under para. I of this provision, the Office:
a) acts as the receiving and sending body within the implementation of international treaties and performs other duties arising for the Czech Republic out of international treaties concerning social and legal protection;
b) acts as a child guardian;
c) at the request of parents living in the Czech Republic or social and legal protection bodies, requests from the competent bodies and other legal and physical persons reports on the situation of children who are nationals of the Czech Republic and are not permanently resident in its territory;
d) provides for the transmission of personal documents and other letters abroad and for documents and other letters to be transmitted from abroad;
e) cooperates with government bodies or other organizations abroad executing similar responsibilities and duly authorized in their respective states to carry out activities related to social and legal protection and as appropriate with other bodies, institutions and legal persons;
f) provides assistance in the search for parents of a child, providing the parents or one of them are living abroad, in establishing property and incomes situations for establishing child support, provides for the petitioning of actions to secure child support, concerning in particular child support adjustment, upbringing and establishment of paternity;
g) examines, for the purposes of adoption of a child in the receiving state, the social environment and family situation of the child;
h) fulfils the responsibilities arising out of the adoption and enters into contact with the competent bodies, and physical and legal persons if so required by the discharge of functions of the Office arising out of the said Act;
i) gives consent to the adoption of a child abroad.

Autoriteiten Turkije


The designated Turkish central/competent authority is:
The Prime Ministry of the Republic of Turkey
General Directorate for Social Services and Child Protection Institution,
Department for Child Services

Autoriteiten Venezuela


In accordance with article 6, first paragraph, of the Convention Venezuela has designated "the Ministry of Foreign Affairs" as the Central Authority.

Autoriteiten Verenigd Koninkrijk


Central Authorities designated under the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption (Articles 6 and 13)
1. For England
The Department of Health
Adoption and Permanence Team (Intercountry Section)
2. For Wales
The National Assembly for Wales
Child Protection and Placements Team
Children and Families Division
3. For Scotland
The Scottish Executive
Young People and Looked After Children
Education Department
4. For Northern Ireland
The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety
Child Care Unit
The Designated Central Authority to which any communication may be addressed for transmission to the appropriate Central Authority is:
Department of Health
Adoption and Permanence Team (Intercountry Section)
Public Authorities carrying out duties imposed under the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption.
The relevant public authority will normally be the one in which the prospective adopter or the child to be adopted resides. In cases where the public authority is not where the prospective adopter has his home, the authority must obtain a written report from that public authority.
Notification of identity of the authorities competent to certify an adoption under the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption (Article 23(1)).
The department of Health
Adoption and Permanence Team (Intercountry Section)
The Department of Health will be responsible for certifying that a Convention adoption order has been made in accordance with the Convention in respect of adoptions made in England.
National Assembly for Wales
Child Protection and Placements Team
Children and Family Division
The National Assembly for Wales will be responsible for certifying that a Convention adoption order has been made in accordance with the Convention in respect of adoptions made in Wales
The Scottish Executive
Young People and Looked After Children
Education Department
The Scottish Executive will be responsible for certifying that a Convention adoption order has been made in accordance with the Convention in respect of adoptions made in Scotland.
The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety will be responsible for certifying that a Convention adoption order has been made in accordance with the Convention in respect of adoptions in Northern Ireland.
Territorial Units in the UK to which the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption applies (Article 45)
Scotland; and
Northern Ireland.
Under the adoption laws of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland accredited bodies and local authorities (in the case of Northern Ireland, Health and Social Services Trusts) -
perform the functions under article 9(a) to (c) of the Convention; and
provide the facilities and carry out the functions in respect of Articles 15(1) and 16(1) to enable Convention adoptions and adoptions effected by Convention adoption orders to be made. In addition local authorities (in the case of Northern Ireland, Health and Social Services Trusts) are responsible for the duties under Article 21.
The Department of Health performs the functions under Article 15(2), Articles 17-20 of the Convention for England.
The Scottish Executive performs the functions under Article 15(2), Articles 17-20 of the Convention for Scotland.
The National Assembly for Wales performs the functions under Article 15(2), Articles 17-20 of the Convention for Wales.
The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety performs the functions under Article 15(2), Articles 17-20 of the Convention for Northern Ireland.


Authorities Isle of Man:
Department of Health and Social Security
Social Services Division
Public Authority carrying out duties imposed under the Convention
Department of Health and Social Security
Notification of identity of the authority competent to certify an adoption under the Convention (Article 23(1))
Department of Health and Social Security
Under the adoption laws of the Isle of Man accredited bodies and the Department of Health and Social Security perform the functions under article 9(a) to (c) of the Convention; and the Department of Health and Social Security provides the facilities and carry out the functions in respect of Articles 15(1) and 16(1) to enable Convention adoptions and adoptions effected by Convention adoption orders to be made.
In addition the Department of Health and Social Security performs the functions under Article 15(2) and Articles 17-20 and is responsible for the duties under Article 21.


Central Authority (modification):
For Northern Ireland:
The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety
Child Care Policy Directorate
Competent authorities (Art. 23) (modification):
The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety
Child Care Unit
The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety
Child Care Policy Directorate

Autoriteiten Verenigde Staten van Amerika


The Department of State has been designated as the authority competent to make the certifications under Article 23 of the Convention.


In accordance with Article 13 of the Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (Convention), the Department of State has been designated as the Central Authority for the United States for purposes of the Convention. The Department of State’s functions include all Central Authority functions under the Convention except as provided below. Within the Department, the Office of Children’s Issues of the Bureau of Consular Affairs serves as the primary contact on issues related to the Convention.
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), part of the Department of Homeland Security, is the U.S. entity authorized to accept applications to adopt pursuant to Article 14.
U.S. accredited agencies, temporarily accredited agencies, and approved persons will generally perform the case-specific Central Authority duties set forth in Articles 15 through 21, in accordance with Article 22 of the Convention, with the exception of agreement under Article 17(c) that the adoption may proceed, which must be performed by the Department of State in cases in which the United States is a receiving country.

Autoriteiten Vietnam


1. The Central Authority of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam under paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Convention:
The Ministry of Justice
Permanent Office: The Department of Adoption
2. The Competent Authority of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to make the certification under Article 23 of the Convention:
The Ministry of Justice

Autoriteiten Zambia


[…] in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, thereof, declares that it has designated the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Community Development, Mother and Child Health as the Central Authority.
[...] declares that the authority competent by virtue of the provisions of Article 23, first paragraph, to certify adoptions as having been made in accordance with the Convention shall be:
Registrar General
Kundalila House, Dedan Kimathi Road, P.O. Box 32311, Lusaka 10101
+ 260 211 228 196/7

Autoriteiten Zuid-Afrika


Central Authority:
Department of Social Development

Autoriteiten Zweden


Central Authority
The Swedish National Board of Intercountry Adoptions (NIA) shall issue the certificates referred to in Article 23.1, when the adoption has taken place in Sweden or when a foreign adoption ruling has been converted here according to Article 27 of the Convention.
The Swedish National Board of Intercountry Adoptions (NIA) shall be the Central Authority referred to in Article 6.1, and discharge the duties imposed by the Convention upon such authorities, unless otherwise specified in a law or other enactment.
Swedish law prescribes that applications referred to in Article 14 of the Convention shall be made to the Social welfare committee in the municipality in which the applicant resides.
The Social welfare committee shall
a) prepare reports pursuant to Article 15.1 of the Convention,
b) examine issues regarding agreements pursuant to Article 17.c of the Convention,
c) take measures pursuant to Article 21 of the Convention.
If an accredited body is engaged to handle the adoption, the accredited body shall
a) in accordance with Article 15.2 of the Convention submit reports referred to in Article 15.1,
b) in accordance with Article 16.2 of the Convention receive reports referred to in Article 16.1,
c) take measures, which according to Articles 18-20 of the Convention are imposed upon the Central Authority.

Autoriteiten Zwitserland


Central authorities:
Office fédéral de la justice
Service pour la protection internationale des enfants
1 Aarau
Departement des Innern Sektion Bürgerrecht und Personenstand
2 Appenzell A.Rh.
Direktion des Innern
3 Appenzell IR
Standeskommission des Kantons Appenzell Innerrhoden
4 Bâle-ville
Erziehungsdepartement Ressort Dienste Abteilung Sozialpädagogik
5 Bâle-Campagne
Justiz-, Polizei- und Militärdirektion
6 Berne
Kantonales Jugendamt Bern
7 Fribourg
Office cantonal des mineur
8 Genève
Office de la jeunesse Service de protection de la jeunesse
Evaluation continue des lieux de placement
Autorité centrale adoption internationale
9 Glaris
Sanitäts- und Fürsorgedirektion
10 Grison
Kantonales Sozialamt
11 Jura
Service de l'action sociale
12 Lucerne
Regierungsstatthalter des Amtes Luzern
13 Neuchâtel
Service des mineurs et des tutelles
14 Nidwald
Justiz- und Sichterheitsdirektion
15 Obwald
Gesundheits- und Sozialdepartement
16 Schaffhousen
Amt für Justiz und Gemeinden
17 St.Gallen
Amt für Soziales des Kantons St.Gallen
18 Schwyz
Direktion des Innern
19 Soleure
Zivilstandsaufsicht und Bürgerrecht
20 Tessin
Dipartimento della sanità e della socialità,
Divisione dell'azione sociale
Ufficio del Tutore
21 Turgovie
Generalsekretariat des Departementes für Justiz und Soziales
22 Uri
Justizdirektion Uri
23 Valais
Office cantonal pour le protection des mineurs
24 Vaud
Service de protection de la Jeunesse
Bàtiment administratif de la Pontaise
25 Zoug
Direktion des Innern
Kantonales Sozialamt verwaltungsgebäude am Postplatz
26 Zurich
Bildungsdirektion Amt für Jugend und Berufsberatung


Federal Central Authority designated in accordance with the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption (Article 6)
Office fédéral de la Justice
Service de protection internationale des enfants
Cantonal Central Authorities designated in accordance with the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption (Article 6 al 2)
Competent Authorities designated in accordance with the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption (Article 23)
1 Argovie
Volkswirtschaft und Inneres
2 Appenzell A.Rh
Departement Inneres und Kultur
Zivilstands- und Bürgerrechtsdienst
3 Appenzell I.Rh
Standeskommission des Kantons
Appenzell Innerrhoden
4 Bâle-ville
Ressort Dienste
Abteilung Sozialpädagogik
5 Bâle-Campagne
Justiz-,Polizei- und Militärdirektion
6 Berne
Kantonales Jugendamt Bern
7 Fribourg
Service de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse
Secteur des milieux d’accueil
8 Genève
Office de la jeunesse
Evaluation des lieux de placement
9 Glaris
Departement Volkswirtschaft und Inneres
10 Grison
Kantonales Sozialamt Graubünden
11 Jura
Service de l'action sociale
12 Lucerne
Regierungsstatthalter des Amtes Luzern
13 Neuchâtel
Service des mineurs et des tutelles
14 Nidwald
Gesundheits- und Sozialdirektion Nidwalden
Kantonales Sozialamt
15 Obwald
Kantonales Sozialamt
16 Schaffhouse
Amt für Justiz und Gemeinden
17 St.Gall
Amt für Soziales des Kantons St.Gallen
18 Schwyz
Departement des Innern
19 Soleure
Amt für soziale Sicherheit
20 Tessin
Dipartimento della sanità e della socialità, Divisione dell'azione sociale e delle famiglie
Ufficio del Tutore Ufficiale
21 Turgovie
Generalsekretariat des Departementes für Justiz und Sicherheit des Kantons Thurgau
22 Uri
Amt für Justiz
Abt. Bürgerrecht und Zivilstand
23 Valais
Office cantonal pour la protection de l’enfant
24 Vaud
Service de protection de la Jeunesse
Bàtiment administratif de la Pontaise
25 Zoug
Direktion des Innern
Kantonales Sozialamt
26 Zurich
Amt für Jugend und Berufsberatung
Kantonale Zentralbehörde Adoption


Central Authority (modification)
Federal Office of Justice
International Private Law Unit

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