

Verdrag betreffende de burgerlijke rechtsvordering


Autoriteiten Bosnië en Herzegovina


Central Authority:
The Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina designates the Ministry of Justice and Administration of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina as the competent authority for the purposes envisaged in Article 1 of the Convention.


Central Authority:
Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Autoriteiten Cyprus


Central Authority:
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Justice & Public Order

Autoriteiten Frankrijk


In conformity with the provisions of Articles 1 and 9 of the Convention the Ministry of Justice, Service civil de l'entraide judiciaire internationale (Civil international legal cooperation department), is designated as the competent authority to receive requests for the service of writs and extra-judicial documents, as also letters rogatory.


Competent Authority in accordance with the provisions of articles 1 and 9 of the Convention:
Ministry of Justice
Direction des Affaires Civiles et du Sceau
Bureau de l'entraide civile et commerciale internationale (D3)

Autoriteiten IJsland


Iceland hereby declares that in civil and commercial matters, the service of documents addressed to persons abroad, in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention of 1 March 1954 on Civil Procedure, shall be made to the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs.
Iceland further declares that letters of Request shall be transmitted by the consul of the requesting State, in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 1 of the Convention of 1 March 1954 on Civil Procedure, to the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs.
Lastly, Iceland declares that the application for legal aid by an indigent person who is in a country other than that in which the free legal aid is to be sought in accordance with Article 23, paragraph 1 of the Convention of 1 March 1954 on Civil Procedure, shall be transmitted to the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs.


Central Authority (modification)
District Commissioner of Sudurnes (Sýslumađurinn á Suđurnesjum)

Autoriteiten Japan


1) The Minister for Foreign Affairs is designated as the authority which receives requests for service from the Consul of the contracting States, pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 1.
2) The Minister for Foreign Affairs is designated as the authority which receives letters rogatory from the Consul of the contracting States, pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 9.
3) The Minister for Foreign Affairs is designated as the authority which receives requests for free legal aid, pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 23.

Autoriteiten Kroatië


Central Authority:
In conformity with Articles 1 and 9 of the Convention, request by the Consul of the Applicant State is submitted to the Ministry of Justice and Administration of the Republic of Croatia.

Autoriteiten Nederlanden, Republiek der Zeven Verenigde


For the European part of the Netherlands, the authority which, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, executes Letters of Request originating from the States in which the Convention is in force is the district court within whose jurisdiction execution must take place.
For the Caribbean part of the Netherlands the authority to whom, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, Letters of Request originating from States in which the Convention is in force must be transmitted is the President of the Court of Justice.

Autoriteiten Polen


Article 1, paragraph 1:
The Government of the People's Republic of Poland designates as the competent authorities for receiving requests for the service of documents from abroad the presidents of the Voivodie courts in the department in which the person on whom service has been requested resides, irrespective of the channel by which the request was transmitted - by consular or diplomatic agents of the State which is a party to the Convention.
Article 9, paragraph 1:
The Government of the People's Republic of Poland designates the Ministry of Justice as the authority for receiving foreign letters rogatory.

Autoriteiten Roemenië


The Romanian Government has designated its Ministry of Justice as the competent authority to receive requests for the service of documents emanating from other countries as provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the Convention relating to Civil Procedure, letters rogatory as provided for in Article 9, paragraph 1, and requests for free legal aid as provided for in Article 23 of the above-mentioned Convention.

Autoriteiten Servië


Central Authority:
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia


Central Authority (modification):
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia
International Legal Assistance Department

Autoriteiten Slovenië


Central Authority:
Slovenia designates the Ministry of Justice and Administration of the Republic of Slovenia as the competent authority for the purposes envisaged in article 1 of the Convention.

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